Certified NLP Practitioner Training — Joseph Clough

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Certified NLP Practitioner Training

8 Day NLP Training Including Hypnosis And Time Line Therapy

Before attending the live seminar with Joseph and Melissa, you study from specially produced audio MP3 program. The pre-study will take 50hrs or so, which you can do at your own pace and convenience. 

You will be in contact with Joseph and Melissa throughout this time who will be there to support you.

NLP will take you on the journey of a lifetime and you will come back trained in the latest transformational techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming, tine based processes, Time Line Therapy (tm) where applicable, Hypnosis, and coaching along with certification having be taught by leading trainers and coaches of personal change.

How can I learn all this in just 8 days (over 4 weekends)?

  • ABNLP Certified NLP Practitioner including Certification in Hypnosis incorporating time base processes, Time Line Therapy™ where applicable and Coaching in 8 Days.

  • What You Will Learn

  • Master your own emotions and run your own mind

  • Gain ‘instant confidence’ and motivation in a wide variety of situations

  • Access your unconscious learning ability at will

  • Use language with elegance and greater precision

  • Easily change unwanted behaviours in yourself and others

  • Remove unnecessary fears and phobias and issues such as anxiety and low self esteem

  • Discover and be your true potential

  • Transform your career, health, finances and relationships

Before attending the live seminar with Joseph, you study from specially produced audio MP3 program. The pre-study will take 50hrs or so, which you can do at your own pace and convenience. 

You will be in contact with Joseph throughout this time who will be there to support you.

NLP will take you on the journey of a lifetime and you will come back trained in the latest transformational techniques of Neuro Linguistic Programming, tine based processes, Time Line Therapy (tm) where applicable, Hypnosis, and coaching along with certification having be taught by leading trainers and coaches of personal change.

NLP Practitioner USA Information:

Location: Austin, Texas

Dates: 20th - 28th February 2016 (24th is a day off)

Times: 9:15am till 5pm

Investment: $3997 includes all certification costs