Joseph Clough

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How To Be Happy - Joseph Clough

Happiness Is Now I work with many people as a hypnotherapist, coach and general therapist. It doesn’t matter what I do, usually it’s just my own self development advice and processes and whatever issues I work with.

From anxiety, depression, shyness, fears, phobias, confidence, low self esteem, OCD, sexual issues etc etc, no matter what it is they are simply not happy with a behaviour or area of their life.

So the big picture is the lack of happiness in their life and they see me for things such as Hypnosis/hypnotherapy to help them get back in to a state of happiness on a continued basis and a way of being.

What i do is get their unconscious mind to realise that the present symptom/behaviour or issue is in conflict with being safe at an unconscious level and get the conscious mind to be happy with a new way of being.

So what do we have to do to start to make the first step to being happy?

1)      The very nature of being aware of having an issue can be the first step. Many people go through a life a sleep to their unhappiness, they think its normal or they cannot change. So by being conscious it’s a first step.

2)      The next way is too realise that whatever issue you have your mind and body is running the issue because it thinks it’s doing something good for you....yes that is 100% right. From the worst emotional issues we can face to the biological issue we face. Your body never tries to hurt you it’s just that it thinks it’s doing a good job.

3)      Once we realise this paradigm of knowing our body is trying to help us then we can change our relationship to the problem, it goes from hate, anger and frustration to okay, it just needs to be realigned with what I want.

4)      Then spend take time out to spend some quit time and start communicating with your unconscious mind. With a quit mind you can explain that it’s not helping you be safe and there are other solutions. Doing this gets you back in realignment with your body again. This is the key to success when making changes in your life. After all the only reason as to why we would have the issue is because we are out of rapport with our body. We have been programmed too much by the outside world and the experiences we’ve gone through.

5)      The final part is to then start creating your future. Quite simply your mind and body cannot tell the difference between what is imagined. To a certain extend thinks it’s true and real. This is awesome news for us. Because the more you imagine and rehearse a new way of being your mind and body will think that it’s the reality. This will adjust and modify the issue you have. This over time will sink into your life, sometimes within just a couple times of visualising.

Let me know how you get on, it’s all within your reach and it all starts with you.


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