My 31st Birthday Message
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The Written Version:
Today is my birthday and being 31 today, and doing what I do for over 12 years now, it makes me wonder how other people's opinions of us can unfortunately dictate our future.
Like everyone, I have fallen into the trap-- I still catch myself going there. But despite what the world throws at us, no matter what people say when it comes to our desires and dreams, I believe we must remember this:
Other people's views and opinions of you and what you should do or be, do not have to be a reality.
In fact, I heard just the other day that it is like a turtle telling a giraffe how it should live its life. The turtle may be well intentioned, but it can only give its opinion based on its own viewpoint, which is quite different from the giraffe's viewpoint.
Everyone's perceptions of the world around them are different. We have all gone through different experiences, different cultures, environments and for some, religions. We have made various decisions in stressful and difficult times. We have different values and beliefs about the world around us. Depending on all these factors (and more), this will create within us, what we think is true and what other people think is true for themesleves.
In my personal opinion, when someone has an opinion of me or a limitation on what they think I can do or should do in this world, I look for their intention behind what they say.
For example; I have created over 100 hrs of free material and invest thousands year to keep it free and accessible in apps, etc.. to over 250,000 people every single month, BUT I still get messages, comments and emails from people saying "Joseph, why do you not give all your paid products for free? I need them and it is mean that you do not."
Whilst on the other hand, my family and friends thought I was crazy for giving what I give for free, saying comments such as, "How could you possibly survive in the world, giving so much away for free?"
Another time my teacher told me, at 11 years old in front of all my peers at school, that I would never succeed at secondary school. I, too, even bought into the belief that I was not worthy or good enough.
So what is my point?
Well… Other people's views and opinions of you and what you should do or be, do not have to be a reality.
So how do I stop that from becoming a reality?
Firstly, I consider how that person may have come to that conclusion of me and what I can do. This way, we do not only have to abide or accept their opinion as reality, but we can also be aware that their opinion may just be their own limitation, their own 'stuff'. In fact, they too may have once been told they cannot do something, so they repeat their engrained beliefs to others.
Secondly, we must check on what our heart and head say. Is there a flow or resistance on what we want to be, do, or have? So let's appreciate the intent, but more importantly, let's really go by what our heart says and what we are able to do.
Oh, one added tip that I do, too:
I ask myself:
What is the limiting belief I have within, that once learned from and released, will cause me to be, do and have what I desire?
This way I can be clear on any limiting perceptions within me that need to be resolved.
At the end of the day, we are human. We all have our own thoughts and ideas, but please listen to what your heart says, and as I once wrote, "Rather be a product of life, allow life to be a product of what you choose to create."
I want you to shine, with love.