Things not quite right? The art of self development
Hey there, This weekend is my Reclaim Your Destiny seminar and its a sell out.
The reason I am telling you this is that although its not necessary to go onto seminars and trainings or to purchase hypnosis CDs, MP3 downloads and other self help/self development programs, there is however some important steps that you can learn from, from those who have.
Let’s take at look at the mentality of those who do as there is something very important that we can learn from.
1) They recognise that something is not quite right in their life
2) They seek for answers/search for help
3) When they have found an avenue to make a a seminar, they take decisive action to make a change and invest in themselves.
4) They are open minded enough consider that what they are doing isn’t working and that they will try out something new and commit to learning.
5) Finally they apply what they learn and test it out in the real world.
The serect and probably one of the most important steps is:
6) Whatever they did, whether it worked or not, they grow, succeed, modify or go back to 1) and never give up.
So do not accept self imposed limitations, never accept yours or others reasons as to why you cannot change. But do take responsibility for your mind, beliefs, feelings and actions.
With Love,