Joseph Clough

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Celebrities use Hypnosis to quit smoking

Is it time for you to quit smoking? Guess what is was time for many celebrities to quit smoking too….

Samuel Jackson, Drew Barrymore, Ellen Degeneres, , Ben Affleck and Matt Damon stopped smoking and but how did they do it……………. You guesed it with Hypnosis

But why is Hypnosis so great with quitting the cigarettes for good?

Well we smoke for lots of reasons – stress, boredom, socializing, let alone pure habit. If you do anything ‘x’ amount of times a day, for ‘x’ amount of months and years and especially when do it when you are stressed bored etc your unconscious mind will take on and run the whole habit for you, it thinks its doing a great job. So even if you do eventually try to quit by yourself your body says ‘no way’ and gives you withdrawal symptoms.

Now however you can use hypnosis to get the unconscious mind to quit smoking for good and come up with new beliefs, resources and habits to replace the old smoking ways.

Ben Affleck tells Oprah: "I finally decided to quit smoking when I found out I was going to have a child. That was the thing that sort of put it over the top for me. I decided to go to a hypnotist. You sit in a chair and the hypnotist sips water and just talks to you for an hour, and explains how nicotine is poison." "All of a sudden, I thought, 'This is asinine that I've been doing this to myself for all these years.' My last cigarette was on November 10th, 2005, and I feel a huge difference in my health now that I don't smoke. I feel like I'm in better shape than I was five years ago."

Ellen Degeneres say's: Three days later, "I feel so good. I feel healthier! It seems ridiculous but my skin looks better, I just feel like, I feel healthy. I feel really good."

If you are ready to make the decisions to stop smoking, and ready to have the health you and especially your family deserve why not make the commitment to make leap and buy the Stop Smoking Now Hypnosis CD or MP3 Download.

Feel the benefits of Freedom, health, vitality and even added finances today.

Your friend

Joseph, Celebrity Mind Coach p.s why not sign up to and download two free hypnosis tracks - Ultimate Relaxation and Confidence...yes for free :)