Frequently Asked Questions - Joseph Clough — Joseph Clough

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Frequently Asked Questions - Joseph Clough

Frequently asked questions on Joseph Clough's Self Hypnosis Hypnothearpy CDs and MP3 Downloads.


 'What is hypnosis or trance?'

Hypnosis or trance is a state of profound comfort in which you allow yourself to enter. Some people experience hypnosis as being in that very comfortable relaxed state you have experienced just before you become fully awake from sleeping - not quite awake and not quite asleep.

What if I fall asleep whilst listening to the Hypnosis CD/MP3 download?

My preference is to be more awake, simply as we can work at an conscious and unconscious level. It will still work should you be falling asleep. Studies show that the brain is able to pick up the suggestions. If you are listening to it in the day and you would like to be more conscious I suggest sitting in a more upright position.

'Will I lose control?'

Hypnosis will enable you to enter into a deep state of relaxation and comfort in which you will become even more aware of you surroundings and what you are doing. Control stays with you totally.

'What if I don't come out of hypnosis?'

This is just not possible - remember control stays totally with you. You will simply return to your normal awake state feeling refreshed and with a great sense of achievement.

'Information on how my CDs and Downloads work for you and your life'

I will guide you into a complete state of mental and physical relaxation using advanced levels of Hypnosis and NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming). The audio also has soothing music designed for Hypnotherapy and meditation (60 beats per minute to synchronize your left and right brain).  This will allow your subconscious/unconscious to take on my positive suggestions making it profoundly easy for you.

Through out the recording you will achieve empowering beliefs, transforming resources and life changing behaviors you desire, while resolving your issue. Then you will be brought back to full waking consciousness.

Each CD/Download is completely safe and comes with a clear set of instructions so you can feel ease of changing effortlessly.

'Can I Listen to more than 1 CD at a time?'

Personally I feel one at a time works best. I suggest choose the Hypnosis CD that will yield you the most profound change in your life at first and then choose another. However my own intention is that by listening to the right CD it may even begin to resolve any other issues.  Some CD’s may work fine together if they are closely related for example Overcome Shyness and Develop Self Confidence.

'Do I have to listen to all 4 tracks every day?'

I always suggest to listen to the Hypnosis Section (which is track 3 on the album) every day for 4 weeks. I also suggest listening to the Goal Setting section (Track 2) every other day or every three days or so, just to keep consciously and unconsciously aligned.

'I'm having trouble with downloading my MP3'

Sign into your account here with the email you choose when signing up. Click on the product you bought (view details) and then click on the download (you have 5 attempts to do so) When you save any of the mp3 make sure you know where you have saved it (desktop would be a good place to start with).

Then go to the place you saved the file. On that file if you right click the zip file you should the options of ‘Extract’ or ‘Extract Here’ if you click one of those it should extract the file from the .zip to your desired location.

This will take it out of the zip back into mp3 form.

'Can I have a personalised CD’s & Downloads?'

The aim of this site is to help you, so I am more than happy to produce a personalized mp3 for you. However there is much time and care in producing new titles which means you must apply to see if you are a good fit, it does require a significant investment but to apply go to

If you would like to be include in my newsletters with free self help tools and new releases of MP3's, DVD’s and Books, please sign up to our newsletter.

'What happens if I fall asleep while listening to the Hypnosis CD?'

Should you fall asleep when listening and become awaken by my count up at the end of the CD not to worry it will mean you have been in a deep trance absorbing all the wonderful suggestions. If you do not hear the count up you may have drifted into a deep sleep, if this is the case you will absorbed all the suggestions to the point of entering the deep sleep. If this happens I would suggest listening when you feel less tired.


We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee on all MP3s and CDs (CDs are to be sent back before a refund can made),  Custom Hypnosis titles or Coaching/Hypnotherapy session do not guarantee or warrant any particular outcome, result or success of hypnosis, and expressly disclaims any such guarantee or warranty.

If you have any other questions feel free to Contact Me.

Joseph Clough is an accredited international trainer and Hypnotherapist, lives in San Diego, California and from Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, who works with clients using hypnotherapy, NLP and Coaching.