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FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

Filtering by Category: Podcast

Breaking Negative Behaviours

Joseph Clough



Breaking down negative behaviours free Coaching MP3 Download I discuss how all behaviours we have from the good to bad and how they are all simply strategies. Yes just strategies. Now thats great news, as it means we can break them down and when you change the stragegy who change the behavour and therefore your results.

Its time to get back in control the mind! Isn't it?

Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay HouseBe Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s

If you really like this podcast please share, pass on to others, and please  do me a favour and rate this podcast on iTunes here, this helps others know about them and that helps me, I appreciate your help.

Your friend

Joseph Clough

5 Steps to Happiness

Joseph Clough



Hey Hey Hey, I hope all is well!

I wanted to do a quick 5-10 minutes podcast for you on how we can become happy in 5 steps.......

Well me being me it went from a 5-10 minute podcast gift to a full out jam packed just under 25 minute free coaching podcast.

Not only do you get the 5 steps to making changes in your life, whether we wish to change issues such as anxiety, low self esteem, blushing, ocd, eating disorders and physical issues but also how we can improve any behaviour such as becoming more confident, happier, successful or any behaviour that you wish to expand upon.

But you also get to hear some random birds wishing to get in on the podcast action and also me making a right mess of my attempt to give you some resource links. Tut Tut Joseph ;)

Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay HouseBe Your Potential’ you can take a look at it here  it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s

Let me know what you think by ‘sharing’, please like and comment on the link too, the more people who get this information can really make the world a better place.

Oh get the podcast gift on iTunes here too.

With Love,
