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FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

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Living A Peaceful Life

Joseph Clough



Peace, we all want peace right?Peace in our health, our mind and body.

Peace in our relationships.

Peace in our career.

Peace with the associations with have toward money.

In this FREE coaching Podcast I go into this subject and how we can get the peace...Its something we all strive for, peace can be the same or similar to wholeness, happiness, contentment, fulfilment even at ease.

Think about it, when your mind and body is at ease you are aligned with your life, if you have a dis-ease the mind and body is telling us its off track, off course to health and wellbeing. Some maybe say we can become conflicted, which is the opposite of whole.

In order to resolve conflict, di-ease, unhappiness we must put our attention on Peace.

Here’s the crazy thing and the answer is within the previous sentence, notice i did not say acquire, get, strive for Peace.

I said ‘put our attention on peace’

This presupposes that peace is there already..........what nothing to find? Nothing to sole search for? No 6 month pilgrimage to go on? No travelling around the world to find yourself?

Simply... NO... Some of those things above can trigger off peace, but it’s not a vital ingredient for peace.

You can download this podcast for free on iTunes here, 


– Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House


Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it her

 it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s

With love,


Healing Hypnosis Session

Joseph Clough



So in this free MP3 download I go deeply into health and illness by:

How emotional and physiological issues arise

Why issues happen

How we can let go of them and how we can achieve peace and health in mind and body.

And then a hypnotic journey with me into trance…

When you think about it, stress causes illness, emotional or physical, It does not happen magically. Because of external circumstance and how we react to a situation a decision is made at an unconscious level.  So when you have inner peace, resolution, wholeness, contentment in your intention and awareness…that’s when the magic happens…

Would you like to learn how not only get in touch with yourself but also go on a journey with me into trance and get the resolution of peaceful mind and body?

If so…take a listen now.

Remember – Pre-Order my first ever book my first booking coming out with Hay House ‘Be Your Potential’ you can take a look at it her it will transform your life and has lots o free coaching and hypnosis MP3s

Also listen to this on iTunes here. Oh can you do me a favour? Please review mypodcast


Your friend,
