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FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

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Manifest Your Relationship PT 1

Joseph Clough

Manifest Your Relationship Part 1 FREE MP3 download It’s time to understand why we attract certain people in our live (even the ones we would never consciously choose) and learn how we can direct our conscious mind and unconscious mind to align ourselves with a partner.

When we undo past decisions, programmed attraction mechanisms and then relearn and retrain our mind we can direct it to new possibilities. It’s time to consciously decide and set the criteria for a partner and then install them at an unconscious level.

This will be in two parts.

Part 1) (this MP3/podcast) is the conscious work, it’s a lot of fun doing this so take the time out to really get creative and aligned with who you will attract.

Part 2) (coming soon..!) will be the hypnosis process to take what you have done in part one and then allow it to sink deeply at an unconscious level.

Are you ready to take things forward, release the past and attract your soul mate and ideal partner in crime?

Remember to ‘like’, comment, share and join the revolution here.

Click here to listen on iTunes.

And remember if you like these Podcasts and gifts, share the word, which means I will do more for you. Its the way it works, your way of saying thanks I guess. My goal is to have 10,000 likes on facebook by the end of the year, which will be the reason and motivation to keep doing free hypnosis and coaching MP3s as it will be a big enough audience. If together we cannot achieve it, then I will not be able to dedicate as much time which will mean far less podcasts. Fair trade?

Building Cages Of Self 'Needs'

Joseph Clough



4 minutes read or a 10 minute listen. Hey Guys,

I’m been thinking about my life a lot recently and how I/we can build cages in our mind.

Cages in our mind?

By this I mean how we can create our own limitations/restrictions. For example, we have the ‘I need to do _______’, ‘I have to carry out _____’ thoughts.

Do we really though?

Lets take my own life, I have to do certain things, I have to make sure I record this new project of mine (around hours 20 plus in the next few weeks), let alone my seminars and trainings coming up for the next 3 months. Plus my usually daily work (replying to all the emails, creating free video and audio for you all), then have some JC time.

I have felt overwhelmed and to be honest completely fatigued in mind and body for the last week or two.

But I’m not alone, I am sure you have certain things you ‘have' or ‘need’ to do. Life happens right? We can feel like a slave to do certain things or be a certain person that can create feelings of inconvenience, or friction, or we can feel they control us. They can limit our own ideals for what we desire in life.

Lets get back the ‘building cages in our minds’. There maybe things you ‘have’ to do. Not paying the credit card bill can create big repercussions. But my point is to be conscious of this and also know that there is a lot of things you do not have to do, but we create those cages of ‘need’. Notice them, filter them into ‘do I need to do _____ or am I just creating that perception of need?’

I do not have to record this new project so intensely and timely, I don’t have to create content so religiously. But I do have to be there on my seminar, people have paid money, me not showing up would not be cool right?

By me and you being conscious of the differences between the absolute ‘Have to’ and the ones we ‘choose’ do is really important. The majority of life will fall into the latter choice, but we can build them into the ‘have to’ and feel caged by them.

I want you to know that you do not have to, you can choose to cut certain things or self imposed obligations out. It is a choice, and the more you are conscious of this the more free and liberated you will be.

If you want to still do those things, that’s fine, the key is to know the choice behind the commitment you make which gives you the freedom of ‘Oh I have to’ to ‘Okay I don’t have to, but I want to do this, it is a choice I am making’.

Life is a choice, its full of them. The more we know this the more power we gain into living a life of meaning rather living a life of obligation.

In the next few months I am making some big brave decisions as to my quality of life, my desires, but it’s a choice I have, its all choice.

With love,


Download this and all my other podcasts right here