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FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

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2012 Round Up – 2013 Plans

Joseph Clough

As the year 2012 closes upon us, I always make time to reflect on my achievements, learn from the things which may not of worked out (yet) and realign myself to new outcomes for 2013. GET THE FREE AUDIO VERSION AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS BLOG POST

I always suggest doing the same, remember I said learn from the things that didn’t work out, learning’s will help us grow, be safer and evolve as a person. We might not of done everything right or how we wanted to be, but that doesn’t matter and we shouldn’t dwell on such things, on the contrary we should reflect upon them in a learning mindset. ‘What can I learn from this, that once learnt will allow me to be more, do more and love more?’

So each year I do this, I do it privately and do not share such things, but more and more in recent years I have always been open about many things, I am human, I make mistakes, I have challenges and I am always learning. And this year I would like to invite you (should you desire) to take a look at my learning’s, achievements and goals for 2013. It might give you an idea of what you can do, maybe, just maybe inspire you, take what you will and remember all my achievements that I have made are not to impress, I have no need for that, I love myself enough to just be at peace of who I am and the effort I put in, so see it as an example of how you may take 2013.

So lets begin.

My Achievements and learning’s of 2012:

Book: I managed to get my very first book deal and get my book published with Hay House, I am very proud of this having got almost zero qualifications and a D grade at GCSE level at school and dropped out of college. It was hard work, I had to be inventive as my writing is not so good, so I verbally recorded it and then transcribed it (there is always a way to do something). It has been reviewed very well on Amazon with over fifty 5 star reviews.

Learning: Despite our past, despite what we may have been labeled with, there is always a way, it might not be easy, but that’s just a challenge to overcome.

Podcast: Just this month I reached 1,000,000 total downloads, now over 100,000 downloads a month, that blows my mind, with over 50 hours of free self-development and hypnosis audios.  I started out with just wanting to get my thoughts out of my mind and it just grow organically where at least 80% of my time is dedicated to my free work. I joke that ‘what if I had £1 for each download?’ But really I love sharing and I would not swap £1,000,000 if it meant people would not got help. And the feedback blows my mind; it makes my year more than any of my achievements to date.

Learning: I have received some negative feedback from ‘those in the industry’ for doing this, and even my family have questioned and disagreed with this, that I should be charging and making money from this quality audio. But the learning is, do what you love, go big picture, it will come through if you take action upon your desires, and remain true to your values despite what others may say or try to persuade you on the contrary

Confidence: Took time out and recorded my free 11 lesson (over 8 hours in length) confidence programme available on my iPhone and Android Apps, podcast and website. The feedback has been awesome, from people who were close to the edge and now living with love for life again – cannot beat that.

Learning: I’m always searching for more ways of helping, thinking and creating. Think outside the box, consider ‘what else can I do?, how can I pay it forward? Share and contribute to the world?’ We can help so many if we just Pay It Forward and do things for the love of helping others.

Time: This by far has been my joint sticking point for a long time (second one to follow).  Achieving the above, has meant that I have neglected my time, I’m happy to say that I work harder than 99% of people I know, its meant the longest days, working sometimes this year 20-30 days straight having a weekend or day off (well not a full day or weekend off, but almost) and then doing it again. I don’t say that to impress, as I said it’s been a sticking point! It comes from my persistent thought of taking MASSIVE ACTION and doing whatever it takes to help people. But that’s not healthy right? It’s allowed me to do the above and more but there has to be harmony. I have neglected some personal desires and outcomes, in the past its ended relationships, and its neglected my health. However I made the decision this year that there was to be more balance, so I took a month away (working as I travelled though) in Thailand to be Joe for a while, Island Hopping and making new friends, seeing temples, seeing sunrises and sunsets.

Which then leads to my next sticking point (combined learning right below that):

Health: I have neglected my health, due to my time. I have but my physical shape on the back burner for a while, so through out the year I hired a personal trainer and as I type I am in Thailand again and have almost locked myself away working out with another personal trainer for 5 hours a day, 6 days a week (3 down, 5 weeks to go!).

Combined learning: I’m at peace with working hard, but only now if I have balance, I’ve worked hard to get help now, my PA Sarah to help me out and taken time out (like now) to get the balance. We work in and around time every moment, we delegate our time in order of value(want) and need. Like work, family time etc etc. So we must get the true value, be clear on what we desire, want we really want from life and then go for it, we can do it, yes once again it might take time, and work to do so in the short term, but once there you will be able to live the rest of the months in harmony, in balance.

Intend Outcomes for 2013:

Firstly I will learn from my achievements and take them with me, especially time and fitness.

On a personal level, I feel I am in the right place to focus on the area of life I have neglected, a future relationship, knowing I am in the right place I do not come from need, when it happens it happens. For health, I will allow that to be my priority, to grow and maintain that.

Exciting Update/Outcome: Over the last few months I had an idea and have been working hard on it in the background. I have now come to the conclusion that this new development will achieve the below three things and will create by far the best self-help product on the market – I truly believe there is nothing like it available.

1. Utilize technology (web, mobile etc.) for maximum reach

2. Achieve the type of personal connection / intensity you would from a smaller group / 121 coaching session

3. Ensure as lower cost as possible (a high value for me, as I want to help as many people in the world, beyond other values like money/income

Events: Selling out two weekends, the first in 48 hours and the second in a week was amazing, having a group energy to create change as always was amazing, and running events in new cities was great too. So this year I plan to be in the USA for around 3 months running seminars, and more countries wherever the demand is and even create special small grouped retreats to achieve any goal you desire.

Book: I intend on writing my second book, get another book deal and get it out in the world.

Podcast: Next year I will aim to get a total of 3,000,000 downloads, around 160,000 downloads a month, it’s going to be a great goal to aim for knowing they are free and that will mean producing and creating more.

Finally – overall learning and goal for 2013, is to live it on my own terms, stay strong to my thoughts, create change whilst creating more freedom for myself.

2013 will be an exciting year. We can achieve what we set out.

1)   Take Responsibility – Be the person who takes control, does not buy into reasons or excuses as to why you cannot do something, when you do, rather being a product of life, life becomes a product of you.

2)   Know Your Outcome – so great goals like above, in the positive, not what you don’t want, but what you do want, know your destination.

3)   Take Massive and Inspired Action – its not always going to be easy, but it will be worth its while if you take action on your dreams, no one else will do it for you. Power, Success, Happiness comes from within.

4)   Live With Gratitude – when you are thankful for what you have, your mind searches for more, its how the brain works

5)   Pay It Forward – why? Because it’s a win/win/win recurring situation….win for those you help, win for you as it makes you feel good, and those you help will unconscious and consciously do the same, it will carry on around the world = awesomeness!

6)   Do What You Love – You can do this, dedicate 1hour a day in doing what you love and even searching of ways to do more of it on a full time basis, it can and will happen. It starts with you!

7)   Learn – learn from everything, learn from ‘failures’, behaviors, past events etc – learning will keep you safe and you will cultivate who you are and what you do in the most powerful way

8)   Live and Love Life - Be gentle on yourself, love who you are, learn to do so and be awesome.

Go a head and leave my your learnings and goals for 2013 by leaving me a comment below, I'd love to know them.

Get the podcast on iTunes here

With love,



What If Money Was No Issue? FREE MP3 download

Joseph Clough

Hey Guys, I have a really interesting free mp3 download from you, but PLEASE read this page beforehand.

On Facebook and Twitter I asked the question:

What would you do if money was no object? Really think about that for a moment and comment with your answer?

I got over many replies and 90% of them were around the following:

'I would pay of my debt'

'Help my friends and family money wise'

'Invest in Charities'

I loved the answers, but it wasn't the answers I was looking for, so maybe I asked it in the wrong way, so I went back to facebook and twitter an hour later and asked this:

I'll rephrase my question re Money - if money was no issue, all your outgoings and bills were covered, with that freedom - what would you do in life?

I thought to myself, this will get a different range of answers, but nope, the same answers came in. This is not the fault of people who replied, but more the general mindset we can get taught to buy into and it becomes our expectation.

So I decided to record this audio to really make things clear and to think out side of the norm, out the box and to get you where you need to be.

I'll also note that within the answers I had, many came up with the above examples of 'fund charity, pay for children's tuition, go on holidays, help family with money, pay off debt' many followed it with 'but I can't because of 'x' or 'y'.

Now, once you have listened to this podcast, the following might become clearer, and also know, I am a kind and empathetic guy and do not know everything about everyone's situation, so I'm not saying overnight results will happen (life's a journey, I know mine has been) and on the same note I will not buy into people's stories, reasons and even excuses as to why they cannot go for their goal and make it a reality.

One example, and this just a great example and I want to reach out to them should they read this. They said this:

'I would first got to Japan and try to find me a wife. And then I would start a family. But being an Unemployed, Disabled Veteran who can work because of my service connected disability. It doesn't seem like that's going to happen. between pain, no money to travel or do much of anything else and being shy when it come to meeting women to date or marry. It really doesn't look good for this happening for me...'

Now I can completely understand this situation have worked with many people in similar situations over the years, so I get them. But on the same note, I want to share my thoughts to move from the 'doesnt look good for this happening' into 'how can I make this happen?' mindset.

Being unemployable- I think there is always something someone can do, even for the most disabled people, even if it was true, it can also so be a superb opportunities to do something by yourself, start-up a business, even an online one that gives you passion, ask for help from those around you if you need help, read, research, go online and immerse yourself with information. Back in the day, having had no money to pay people I had to learn HTML coding from scratch, it was hard, took time, but it was worth it as it allowed me to get my message out with only expense being my time, and if you are unemployable, all you have is time.

Imagine too, say it was an online business about a hobbies you love, giving advice and support out, you will do it out of love because its fun, and an online business could get this man to Japan in a few months to a few years and work remotely out there online. As for the shyness, doing the above will build strength in character and also listen to my free 11 Confidence Course, its free and the only cost is time to really apply it.

You can free access to it on my iTunes podcast and also on my iPhone and Android App.

You can get the Android App here

You can get the iPhone/iPod App here

And click here for the podcast 

So I brought this example up, as it such a common one that many people face and we can become enslaved by our situations as to why we are stuck, but over the years, I have worked hard to learn that when people share me their

no way out

problems, I see  people who can thrive and become the solution.

So with that, enjoy the audio. And remember all I say and write is with the intention of love and how I know you have it all within you, lets grow together.

Get the podcast on iTunes here

The picture below (thank you to Daniel my bro for showing me this) sums it up more than I can say, although I do add practical advice and help within the audio ;)



Please click 'like'/share/tweet etc - lets spread the free information together to transform lives.

With love,
