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FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

Filtering by Category: you

This blog is especially for you

Joseph Clough

Wow its June already….. Hasn’t this year flown by so far! I thought I’d give you an update on what I’m up to.

Well I’ve been writing a lot recently, and as you will soon find out, they are all for free and all for you and I plan to give you one or two every week. You can find them here on the article section.

I was thinking today, when I was in my garden feeling the rays of the sun, how wonderful it is to be outside in the quiet.

Personally I am a very private person; I like being by myself and spending time with myself. Don’t get me wrong I do socialise, but I feel it’s important to enjoy your own company and be by yourself and connect with yourself. By going within in, you change the outer.

I have a question for you….. How often to you give yourself 30 minutes, 15 minutes even 5 minutes dedicated to you? To be outside, to be quiet and just stop for a while?

I know you have lots going on in your life, we can have many different roles we take on, maybe being:

A Son or daughter A father or mother A grandson or granddaughter A grandfather or grandmother A sibling A wife, a husband, boyfriend, girlfriend A friend A job role

The list goes on and on, we have so many sides to our life, but I think we forget about the most important side of us.

Just being you.

To take time out and stop…….. and yes again be YOU.

I know for a fact the roles I mentioned above are simply going to get stronger and healthier when you take time out for you. I always refer to the safety drill sheet when you go on the plane. You should always put the oxygen mask on yourself first before putting them on others.


Because you are no good to anyone if you are losing oxygen! You are also a human being not a human doing!

Sounds harsh, but I say what I say for the best of intentions. You need to take just five minutes out for yourself.

Go outside; connect with your thoughts, your feelings and take in your environment around you. Take in the fresh air, the sky, and the trees and be you. This will re-energise you and also help all other areas of your life.

You are a precious gift to many people in your life, they want you to be you, so take the time and be you. And remember you are the precious gift to yourself, so take the time out for yourself.

Did I go off on a tangent? Sorry about that, when it comes, it flows.

Oh what I was also going to say is.....Thank You, no reason other than for being you.

Your friend

Joseph Clough