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FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

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Exciting news to come, but are your beliefs yours?

Joseph Clough

Okay, I have some of the most exciting news in the next few days and weeks. It could just be the spark for you to change everything in your world.

BUT I’m not allowed to talk about it just yet. You will have to wait.

In the mean time, think about this...

Beliefs govern our world, they make up your world and how you perceive it.

Are the beliefs you have about yourself, others and the world ones that support you? Do they give you hope, belief and faith?

If not, let’s think about this...

Where did you get those beliefs from?

Maybe past experiences, so if you get burned in a past relationship/friendship, you wary of it happening again and you form a belief about relationships that they are not to be trusted.

Maybe you failed so many times at something you have resigned yourself to a belief of hopelessness and not good enough.

But let’s go that bit further back, shall we?

Did you know that the majority of your personality and beliefs can actually be formed in the first 7 years of your life? Some even suggest as little as the first 3 years of your life.


So how on earth do we pick up beliefs back then?

Well it’s what we see around us, and also and here’s a key, they come from our parents and family.

So if you see your dad struggle with money every day, you see how it’s so hard to make it, as child, teenager you will more often than not ‘buy’ in to that belief system and take it on as your own.

It can go for or health, relationships and career too.

Where did your parents get those beliefs?

Maybe through experience and maybe from their parents – but what does that mean?

Ultimately we could be holding on to beliefs which are generations old and more importantly not yours!

This would be the perfect time to take stock, think about your beliefs and change them as they may not be even yours in the first place.

Your friend

Joseph Clough

Celebrity Mind Coach

The way from doing to being - interesting......

Joseph Clough

The way from doing to being We live in a physical and materialistic world and there’s no getting away from that and right now it’s not a problem.

The Problem

What is the problem is getting too caught up in it. We have become dictated by society. Its shows us and we follow unreservedly. We have bought into an illusionary existence, connected with what we perceive to be true, but worst what others tell us to be true. We do not see the truth; we see what is familiarly, safe and easy. Its perceived freedom, but not real freedom.

Does it have to be this way?


By no means do I not want you to simply be a mediation guru sitting up on top of a mountain, becoming complete one with yourself and letting the world pass by. Personally, I do not feel this is aligned to where we are in progression. That’s not what I’m on about.

But there is a middle ground, where both can meet. From the doing to the being.

We are at a stage where we must take that responsibility to where we are going and what we are becoming.

What if, what if, what if you made a decision; we made a decision to become awareness.

To know that your view on life/reality is the perception of your mind, not the reality. Those materialistic things do not give us happiness, just give us choice. Happiness starts at the beginning, and you are the beginning. Materialistic things can only add to the beginning not be the beginning.

I think it’s time to be conscious of our actions, to allow the unconscious to become conscious of our desires. To create our life’s the way we want them to pan out.

A warrior mediates in every action.

The combination of doing and being. Allow your being of you to be conscious of your doing/behaviours.

The key to success is to put our intention into every action. To take inspired and massive action. To believe we deserve nothing but the best in who we are.

That’s freedom.

Anyway that’s just my thoughts.

Joseph Clough

My Hypnosis CD’s and MP3 downloads is a wonderful way of releasing issues such as Addictions, Anorexia, Bulimia,  Fears and Phobias, Increase of Self Esteem, Insomnia, Jealousy, Life goals, Stress, Lack of confidence, Tension, IBS, Anxiety, Asthma, Childhood Trauma, Chronic Fatigue (CFS), Chronic Pain Management, Depression, Binge Drinking, Drinking problems ,Limiting Beliefs “I am not good enough, not worthy” etc , Obsessions, Compulsions(OCD), Social Fears, Overcome Grief, Panic Attacks, Paranoia, Sexual Problems, Shyness, Sleeping Disorders Social Phobia (social anxiety disorder), Stop Blushing, Stop Smoking , Stuttering/Stammering, Weight Control/Loss and so much more