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Fertility And Conception Hypnosis MP3 Download

Fertility & Conception Hypnosis MP3 Download
Sale Price: $8.99 Original Price: $14.99

Fertility And Conception Hypnosis MP3 Download

Are you struggling with infertility in some way?

Is the stress of conceiving have actually holding you back?

Are you finding the process of trying for a baby to be stressful, that the fertility struggle adds to your stress and makes things seem harder and harder

I believe that I have a program that will give you all the resources to help you get your mind and body back into alignment. 

My fertility hypnosis/hypnotherapy MP3 Download will help you with:

  • To switch off,  relax your mind and body and enjoy trying?
  • Resolve unconscious blocks holding you back
  • Dissolve fears infertility and simply that you are unable be able to have children
  • Stress around infertility
  • Increasing your chances of conceiving

There have been many scientific trials of the effectiveness of hypnosis and how it helps with many different aspects of infertility.

  • One study in Israel, 98 women undergoing IVF received hypnosis during embryo transfer, while 96 women served as controls. In the fertility hypnosis group, 53% of the women achieved pregnancy, while only 30.2% in the control group did.
  • In a study in the USA, 16 women with functional hypothalamic amenorrhoea (absence of periods related to brain hormone production) received CBT based treatment. Six of the 8 women in the CBT group resumed ovulation, while only 1 woman in the control group resumed ovulation.

Fertility hypnosis can help address physiological barriers to conception and aids relaxation with the help of guided visualisations and other advanced techniques utilising NLP and my own self development processes.

My products can possibly be the most important investment you'll ever make to let go any issues or problems you have in life.

I assure you that you'll be able to reap the rewards for the rest of your life once you have used my products with consistency and commitment.