Are you ready to Reclaim Your Destiny?
Joseph Clough
Are you ready to Reclaim Your Destiny? Why do some people feel helpless in areas of their life?
Maybe because we have made limiting decisions and beliefs about ourselves like:
‘I cant make enough money’
‘I don’t feel worthy’
‘I’ll never find anyone’
‘I’m not good enough to for that job’
Maybe because of past traumatic experience and we sub-consciously belief the past equals the future?
Maybe because we have negative associations hold us back like the anger, sadness, fear, guilt and hurt?
Whatever it is – it doesn’t have to be that way.
Life is meant to be good for YOU – if you begin to choose it.
To choose to take 100% responsibility and take immediate action and ownership of your life. To realise that your past does not equal your future. After all you would never drive your car just looking through your rear view mirror – so why live our life in the same way just looking at the past.
Maybe it’s your time to shine and be your potential.
Right now think about your outcomes and dreams, what are they? Write them down?
What stops you? Right those down, whether its limiting thoughts, beliefs, behaviours, or situations.
Are you doing to allow them to stop you have passion, fulfilment and love for life?
No, take action and start working on them. Refuse to allow them to get in the way of your dreams.
After all are they dreams? Maybe if you don’t act them out, why not act now and make them a reality! Trust me, the journey to your ‘dreams’ will be a transformational amazing journey, one that will equal the destination itself!
If you have any thoughts, limitation, leave a comment and I’ll even help you in the best way I can – can’t get better than that, free coaching on my blog! Or take a look at Being Your Potential e-book or audio program to take ownership of your life.
Your Friend
Joseph Clough Celebrity Mind Coach
p.s Reclaim your Destiny one day Seminar in Liverpool UK - Saturday 16th August