Deep Relaxation Hypnotherapy Session - FREE
Joseph Clough
In this free hypnosis track you will be guided my me, but twice, two voices....urrrr.....sounds strange right?! You will be hearing two of my voices and at at times at the same time (which in the hypnosis world we call a double induction).
The hypnosis track will also be based relaxation, de-stress, letting go of anxiety, worry and any troubles from here we take a voyage into calmness, wholeness and completeness then strolling onto acquiring resources and new ways to help you on a day to day basis.
It’s a gift from me to you. But the best way to receive this gift is to share it with friends, family and contacts by pressing ‘like’ below. Or you can invite people by going to my facebook page and underneath my profile picture it says suggest page. That means you share the comfort, the order, the ease with others which can be the greatest gift that could help someone who really needs it.
Joseph Clough, Celebrity Hypnotherapist and your number one resource for the best Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads.
Video by Joseph Clough
My Hypnosis CD’s and MP3 downloads is a wonderful way of releasing issues such as Addictions, Anorexia, Bulimia, Fears and Phobias, Increase of Self Esteem, Insomnia, Jealousy, Life goals, Stress, Lack of confidence, Tension, IBS, Anxiety, Asthma, Childhood Trauma, Chronic Fatigue (CFS), Chronic Pain Management, Depression, Binge Drinking, Drinking problems ,Limiting Beliefs “I am not good enough, not worthy” etc , Obsessions, Compulsions(OCD), Social Fears, Overcome Grief, Panic Attacks, Paranoia, Sexual Problems, Shyness, Sleeping Disorders Social Phobia (social anxiety disorder), Stop Blushing, Stop Smoking , Stuttering/Stammering, Weight Control/Loss and so much more