Goals Can Take Time..
Joseph Clough
Like most people we want change quickly, but remember it can take time, persistence and hard work.
12 months ago I had focused on working so hard in producing (for many years) free help for people and I neglected myself which in turn had an effect on my health. I was overweight and zapped of energy.
This time last year I was: 80kg/176lbs/12st 5lbs
To me this was a shock, and something had to change, so I set myself a goal, a goal in becoming healthy in mind AND body. It was hard, it was crazy hard, times I wanted to give up.
Lubo 'the rib breaker' Simeonov on the left
I've had injuries, even a fractured rib by a pro MMA 6ft 6inches, 280lb (Expendables II movie actor - he literately picked me up above his head and left me hanging...I'm a peaceful guy so I let him off ).
But the value of my goal was greater than the pain and effort, the pain was temporary but neglect and regret is permanent.
So wherever you are, keep pushing forward, improve from the next day, be at peace with the 'hiccups' along the way, it happens, life happens, just keep your eye on the goal and take inspired action on it.
Which leaves me to where I am right now, its still a life style change, a journey, but with persistence and learning along the way I am today: 70kg/155lbs/11st 1lbs
Whats' next? Well very soon I start my intense training, to run a full marathon on the Great Wall of China Marathon in 5 months including its 5,164 steps!
As I said, wherever you are - keep pushing forward, you are worth your desires my friend.
With Love,