Joseph Clough Worldwide Events
Joseph Clough
Would you like me to see you in your city? I get lots of emails and requests to do more global seminars and retreats, although last year I was simply too tied up with a hectic schedule in the UK.
However now I am freeing myself up some time to do global retreats, seminars and trainings for therapists.
If you would like me to visit your city, then go ahead and fill out this survey - CLICK HERE.
It will only take a minute with just four questions.
I have chosen only a few options locations wise (taken from previous emails requests), however please put down your location in the relevant box if I have not listed so I can make it to you.
Also be sure to put down either or both email address and number as I can then speak to you directly when setting up the event.
I speak to so many people on Twitter and Facebook (it’s amazing how those two platforms have allowed me to connect with you as much as they have) and I would love to meet you in person and help in any way I can by coming to you.
Here is the survey- CLICK HERE!
With Love,