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FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

Justin Timberlake suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Joseph Clough

I read today that Justin Timberlake suffers from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) - and the anxiety-based condition seems to be taking over his life.

Justin Timberlake would be a fantastic client that I’d like to take on and let go of the OCD within an hour or so

How though?

Well Justin’s thought patterns have developed habits which are accompanied with anxiety. The more he has the obsessive thoughts the greater the anxiety and the more he’ll continue the behaviour of OCD.

When I work with my celebrity clients and everyday people I can begin to reprogram the mind to resolve the OCD. His OCD is pretty much like a Audio CD continually being played on repeat. I simply scratch the CD so much that it can not be played anymore and then install new positive thought patterns which allow my clients to have the freedom that they deserve.

The SexyBack singer claims that he is overly-obsessed with neatness and often spends hours making sure objects are lined up perfectly, but the stress that comes with the disorder is often debilitating.

The article also said that other stars including Jessica Alba, David Beckham, and Cameron Diaz have all confessed to suffering from forms of OCD - which is characterised by obsessive thoughts, compulsions or rituals.

So Justin when will you decide to simply let go of it. After all I can guarantee my results – no success no fee.

If your suffering from OCD why not check out my Overcome OCD Hypnosis CD – that goes for Justin too :)

Your friend

Joseph Celebrity Mind Coach