Learnings Create Change
Joseph Clough
I’ve just come back from Israel teaching therapists trauma relief processes, it was as always an amazing experience (more photos from the event below)
The basis of this event was learning, you see learnings/lessons creates change. Why? Well our mind and body does all it can to ‘try’ and protect us, so it has the best of intentions.
For example the ‘general’ intentions the following:
* Fear/Phobia = A protection mechanism
* Anger = Because we feel violated (rightly or wrongly) and it’s the only way the body can deal with the situation
* Anxiety = Trying to consider what might happen so we can deal with it should it happen.
* Not feeling good enough = if we do not try, we will not fail/look silly – best to stay in our comfort zone and feel ‘safe’
So all in all, the body is trying to do something good, but in reality the results do quite the opposite, they do not protect us.
And we also have to consider at the time the mind creates an issue, its usually under emotional and physical stress, so it makes a split decision in that moment based on what the mind thinks is best, let alone if we created the issue in our younger years, I mean, how wise are we to make the best decision? Not very being so young.
So where does learning come into play in becoming free of such issues?
Well when you learn consciously and share those learning’s in your mind, a little like gaining perspective, an object view point with the knowledge and clarity as an adult the unconscious mind takes this on too, as learning’s/lessons is far safer than what its been doing to date.
So as you think of an issue you might have, ask
“‘What do I and you the unconscious mind have to learn that once learnt will allow me to be safer and develop a new strategy of emotional and physical freedom?’”
Then consider learning’s which are:
A) Positive (So not negative or limiting in there nature)
B) For self (So it applies to you, after all its about you)
C) For the now and the future (Its not about the past, its happened, learning for this moment and the future will keep the body safe)
Give it time, it can resolve the issue in seconds, but sometimes it will take longer, so keep asking the above question and learn, learn and learn.
When we learn, we grow, we evolve and develop safer ways of being in the world.
Here are some photos from my travels and my training!
WIth Love,