Living A Peaceful Life FREE Coaching MP3
Joseph Clough
Now available on the Complete Life Mastery programme – here Peace, we all want peace right?
Peace in our health, our mind and body.
Peace in our relationships.
Peace in our career.
Peace with the associations with have toward money.
Its something we all strive for, peace can be the same or similar to wholeness, happiness, contentment, fulfilment even at ease.
Think about it, when your mind and body is at ease you are aligned with your life, if you have a dis-ease the mind and body is telling us its off track, off course to health and wellbeing. Some maybe say we can become conflicted, which is the opposite of whole.
In order to resolve conflict, di-ease, unhappiness we must put our attention on Peace.
Here’s the crazy thing and the answer is within the previous sentence, notice i did not say acquire, get, strive for Peace.
I said ‘put our attention on peace’
This presupposes that peace is there already..........what nothing to find? Nothing to sole search for? No 6 month pilgrimage to go on? No travelling around the world to find yourself?
Simply... NO... Some of those things above can trigger off peace, but it’s not a vital ingredient for peace.
Peace is within You, You are Peace, You are Love, You are Happiness, You are Wholeness.
Whatever you put your attention, whatever thought you have, it expands and find more of it. So if you focus on stress, disharmony, pain, fears etc, you expand that thought of it, you expand the feeling of it, you express it in your behaviour.
However, put your attention on Peace (which my good friend Sandy Newbigging says ‘The Peace That Is Always Present’), then that will shine a light on more Peace, it will expand in its nature into your thoughts, feelings, behaviours and reality.
To back all this up when we think about striving, getting, acquiring peace in our live versus attention on to the Peace that is always present, let’s take Ghandi quote.
There is no road to Peace, Peace is the road.
The great man said it all along. Action externally will not get you Peace, but shinning the light on and become Peace will do so.
The also wonderful nature of this thinking is this.
Its a choice and more importantly your choice. That means no one, nothing, or situation can stop you. But you can stop yourself, so give up excuses, they ‘whys’, the reasons and simply shift your awareness and consciousness to the deeper part of you which has never changed from being peaceful.
So here is my tip:
Take time out throughout the day and put your attention and intention on to peace, it may take time, but the more you do, the more it sinks deeply into your mind and body for wholeness . When this happens, it goes from the inner world of you to the outer world of you.
I’ve also got my new product Achieve A Peaceful Life hypnosis /hypnotherapy CD and MP3 download here.
Also something to help you take the time out is my new product for meditation here with two wonderful tracks to soften the mind, thoughts and excel in Peace and Harmony of you.
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In Peace and with Love,