NEW iPhone/iPod Free JC Hypnosis App is now out!!
Joseph Clough
Introducing the brand new Joseph Clough Hypnosis App – the most effective and innovative self help product on the market.
Free Hypnosis JC iPhone App Update
Really excited to announce I have re-launched the Joseph Clough self-hypnosis app its now available here .
As I wrote about here and here my goal is to reach as many people as possible and make as big a difference as possible.
Think of a personal 121 session with me as a 10/10 in terms of effectiveness.
And then think about my CD / App self-hypnosis products as a 7/10 (as a comparison to a 121 session!)
The new Joseph Clough app will provide self-hypnosis products for all main issues that will get you as close to a 121 session as anything on the market – a 9.8. With location being no issue and for a cost WAY less than a 121 session.
Here’s how it works.
- There will be 35 core issues to choose from (e.g. x, y and z)
- Each one will have a number of symptoms you can choose (list built from your 10+ years of experience – you know what they tend to be)
- You pick 3 symptoms (just the 3 that feel like the root issue symptoms)
- The app will produce a custom self-hypnosis audio product specifically targeted for the core issue and he 3 symptoms you chose.
- You will simply download it to your phone and can be listening to it within minutes.
- This will be more effective than ANY product I have released and will be better than ANYTHING on the market for clearing out issues – I guarantee it.