Reacting to critisicm in a positive way
Joseph Clough
In this podcast I want to explain you how we can deal with criticism in a most empowering and resourceful way.
When criticism is given this can be in one of two ways and it is very important to be clear on the differences between the two so we are able to deal with the criticism in a very powerful way.
The first is when someone is criticising us, but they are saying something of value which we can actually learn from.. The second is when people are being negative toward us and trying to bring us down.
These are two very different things so it is important to be clear between the two types of criticism - those who are trying to give us value and the others who are trying to bring us down.
In this podcast I guide you through some processes and strategies which allows us to step back so we can get clarity between the two, but without experiencing negative emotions. We can then choose to take on the learnings from the criticism or to let it go and not let it affect us. These are the powerful tools I teach my one to one clients to make awesome changes and get success.