What’s scary about spiders? The phobia of spiders
Joseph Clough
What’s scary about spiders? The phobia of spiders Tired of being petrified of spiders?
Want to get back in control of dealing with them easily with out being hysterical?
Well read on….
First of all, in order to change how we react to spiders, we must recognise how we run the phobic reaction/behaviour of Arachnophobia.
For some reason, in one event or simply a sequence of events, have caused you to have a phobia of spiders.
You may be aware of that one event or you may not – it doesnt really matter to be honest. But because you were once scared or you had an experience or experiences of jumping back when one crept up on you unexpectedly, your unconscious or subconscious mind has been conditioned to think spiders are scary things.
Quite frankly they are not scary things in reality, they are no different than other creatures such as moths or daddy long legs, BUT it doesn’t matter about reality, it’s about your association to the spider, right? It’s your reaction to the spider, its how you see.
Because if you think of a spider now, it will probably cause you to imagine, think, or feel a certain way (a not very nice way), but maybe something else like a Daddy Longlegs would not have that feeling. Maybe a feeling of control or indifference about them.
So it’s really about your minds association toward the spider, not the spider itself. In a way you have been prejudice towards the poor little spider, whereas the other creatures are fine to go about there day…how mean of you :)
Okay let’s get serious, now we know that our decisions from past experiences have caused us to have a fearful association toward the spider. But how do we change it. Well through Hypnosis/hypnotherapy, NLP and my own techniques we can re-condition your mind and unconscious to dissolve the fear and replace it with maybe indifference, maybe humour, control and confidence - the choice is yours.
Together we can get your unconscious mind to feel in control around them – you may not love them still (but then again you’re not going to marry the spider anyway… I hope!), but you can and will feel in control around them, to deal with them in the safest most appropriate way.
Why not try my Overcome Arachnophobia Hypnosis CD or MP3 download (£5/$8 cheaper) and get over the phobia.
You owe it to the poor little spiders to no longer be prejudice toward them, and accept them like all other creatures…..
Your friend
Joseph Hypnotherapist, Author, Speaker and Spider Awareness Spokesman on behalf of spiders :)