taking responsibility — Blog — Joseph Clough

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Filtering by Tag: taking responsibility

Taking responsibility for self change

Joseph Clough

'Cause and effect’ is a way of thinking that a ‘cause’ (an action) will lead to an ‘effect’ (a consequence) So what side of the equation are you in life?

Are you just an ‘effect’ of all that is around you?

Do you know someone who says "everything happens to me" or "Bad things always happen to me" or "it’s just what life has dealt me"?

Well those are just examples of someone just being an effect of life, allowing life to have an effect on them, pushing all options of self change, outside of themselves. By thinking and acting in an ‘effect’ mindset, the person simply continues to re-affirms their situation – not having the life they wish.

Now imagine if you move on to the ‘cause’ side of the equation, where you take responsibility for everything in your reality, your job, your relationship, your life, your issues in such an empowering way that you take control and start causing fabulous effects.

Rather pushing your problems outside of your control (like being at ‘effect’), you now begin to own them; you take responsibility to start making important changes in your life. This in turn starts to create new empowering beliefs and thoughts knowing you have the ability to change your life I you desire.

What a buzz that would be. It would mean you can begin to own and create life changing effects to have a perfect life, relationship, job, money and health.

Remember you are not just a product of life; life is just the product of you!

Your friend


p.s Why not download two hypnosis tracks for free - Ultimate Relaxation and Ulitmate Confidence. Sign up on the left bar on www.empoweringsounds.com site saying FREE DOWNLOAD.