The Beauty Of Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy
Joseph Clough
The Beauty Of Hypnosis
I can honestly tell you hypnosis/hypnotherapy has transformed me on so many levels.
I was once a shy, unconfident child and teenager who would become self conscious and blush to many times to even remember. I really struggled in learning and you could say I was an unhappy person. I knew what I wanted, I wanted to be free of these issues, but at the time there was nothing I could do to make that shift. I was lost.
I even severely disliked my job. It gave me zero satisfaction which just added to my problems. I would live for the weekend and dread Sunday evening at the thought of having to wake up on Monday and do it all over again. Bad times indeed.
I first learnt the power of hypnosis when Paul Clough (my dad) realised I was unhappy, he told me “Get some head space, go on this Hypnosis training, not to learn it, just get some head space and work things out”
What a scary and daunting thought, not only did the word hypnosis scare me, but travelling 400 miles at 18yrs old being unconfident and meeting a whole new world of people and having to face some home truths and issues I had? That’s daunting!
But I knew something had to change, and only I could initiate it, I had to take responsibility. So I did. I took the leap of faith (or fear!) and did it.
It turned out to be the best thing I have ever did, as its lead me to this point, not only had I let go of anxiety, self consciousness, blushing, shyness and un-confidence but I gained something deeper by using Hypnosis, I found the real me, the powerful me. The me that was buried within just waiting to be unleashed. It gave me through time a deep understanding of life, a deeper connection with myself and the world around me.
Since then I have trained hundreds and taught hundreds of people, I can honestly say I have help over 100,000 people in ten years through my Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy/NLP/Coaching CDs and MP3 downloads and my iTunes podcast. That is an awesome feeling know you have helped people.
So the beauty of hypnosis? For me it reconnects you with the real you, your unconscious mind, you can let go of conflicts, emotional and physiological issues, behaviours, fears, thoughts and beliefs that are holding you back and ultimately get the control back, and be your power. To me, that’s Hypnosis.
With love,