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The complainers and doubters


FREE Self Hypnosis/Hypnotherapy CDs and MP3 downloads by Joseph Clough - Celebrity Hypnotherapist and Hay House Author -  Health Podcast San Diego, seminars and trainings

The complainers and doubters

Joseph Clough

This next video is all about the complainers or doubters and especially those people who may try to bring you down.  I really want to be able to give you some tips on how you can stop the negativity affecting you.  

If we want to make changes we have to be the one who instigates change, we cannot be the one who just sits on the sidelines and lets life pass them by.  We have got to step up and do something about it.

You may have to put boundaries up as to what is acceptable in your life and what is unacceptable.  We tend to think life just happens to us but we can take control and make decisions.

Lets go into this subject a little deeper.  When you are ready hit the play button.