Unexpected returns
Joseph Clough
Now I have got something really, really awesome for you because this is all about doing good.
So my bit of good for today is wanting to get you to join my free seven day kickstart transformation. Every day you get access to a brand-new video which will propel you forward to your success. Now to me that is the best way to really thrive in the world, creating it on your own terms, but this episode is also about doing good.
Doing good in the world is the most selfish thing you could possibly do because it makes you feel so good, but we should be doing that, we should give freely, we should help people and that is why I do these videos, audios, and podcasts. I try to give as much as I possibly can to help those who really need it.
So ask yourself what are you doing good today?
Remember when you do good it makes you feel good and that will cause you to have gratitude. So be grateful for what you have, be grateful for who you are as a way of being in this world. You have the ability, you have all the resources to be able to do whatever you desire.