Joseph Clough
A few weeks ago I wrote a blog on an email I received by a young person, she really stepped up, became brave and asked for help (the blog post is here), This person reached out for help, a big thing and said they shared more on the email than to anyone else. And the last sentence they wrote got to me:
“I’m sorry if I wasted your time”
And her reply is excatly why we should help those who need it, and also to pay whatever we get forward:
Thank you so much for you email! It meant so much to me just recieving the email and reading what you had put, but you went the extra mile to help me out with your audio/videos (MY EDIT - the free confidence program here), and that really meant a lot to me. So thank you :)
I'm starting to see more positive things in life, mostly thanks to your emails. Your such a wonderful person, you help others be content with themselves which is something I find truly amazing. I'd like to think each individual you help through you audio/videos (MY EDIT - the free confidence program here) and emails appreciated the work you have done for them and lets you know how grateful they are!
Since I contacted you at the beginning of the month, I have started to recieve councelling at my school. My councellor said about listening to hypnosis and meditation tracks and I recomended your videos. I played her some of the things I have on my IPod at my most resent session, and she is now going to be using your tracks with other people at my school too. I know it seams a little weird me telling you that, but I thought you would like to hear about all the other people you are going to be helping out now too.
I dont know how it must feel, me telling you about how much you have helped me through your videos. It may seem a little drastic, but you really have. I never knew how much I would appreciate being able to tell someone who I dont even know about my problems. It was purely a decision I made on the spot, to contact you, and I can truly say it was totaly worth while.
This email is mainly just a huge thank you, from me, my school and anyone else you have given help to and inspired.
How awesome is that? Thats we we should Pay It Forward, we should give and share and help those who need it, you never know what might happen and how making a ripple can create big waves in not just one person but potentially many - its why I created the free 8 hour Confidence program!
With Love,