Want to be an Author? How To Write And Publish The Book You Have Within You" Joseph Clough Interviews Tom Corson Knowles — Joseph Clough

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Want to be an Author?  How To Write And Publish The Book You Have Within You" Joseph Clough Interviews Tom Corson Knowles


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Want to be an Author? How To Write And Publish The Book You Have Within You" Joseph Clough Interviews Tom Corson Knowles

Joseph Clough

In this video I have the pleasure of interviewing Tom Corson Knowles. Tom is the owner of TCK Publishing, so if you have a dream to get your story out there to help transform others lives through the power of reading, this video is for you.  Tom has lots of awesome tips and insights so you can publish your book in the quickest and easiest way.

Tom's podcast show which includes weekly interviews with bestselling Authors can be found through the link below;


and you can find the free course of self publishing at Ebook Publishing School through this link;


You can find more details on Tom's publishing company and blog http://TCKPublishing.com